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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • The manuscript is original and has not been published nor is currently being reviewed by any periodicals elsewhere;
  • The file is formatted only for Microsoft Word 2007 or newer version and is in editable .doc format;
  • URLs concerning references are provided whenever possible;
  • The text is in 1.5 spacing; font size 12, Times New Roman; uses italic instead of underline (except for URL addresses); figures and tables are inserted within the text and not placed at the end of the document as appendices;
  • The text complies with style standards and bibliographic requirements described in Guidelines for Authors in the About the Journal page;
  • All the references follow the instructions and models presented;
  • There is no identification in the body of the text that compromises the blind-peer review process.

Author Guidelines

Papers must be submitted electronically at


Texts must be written in Portuguese, English or Spanish, typed in Microsoft Word 2007 or later, A4 paper size, 2.5 cm margins, 1.5 spacing, and Times New Roman font. All paragraphs must be in 1 column and begin without tab.

Papers should meet structural criteria established for presentation according to the following guidelines. We suggest a checklist to verify the paper’s structure before submission. Papers that do not meet criteria will be returned to authors for proper revision in order to be submitted to the ad hoc referees. Following are the guidelines for 1) the cover letter and 2) the text structure.

1) Cover letter
The cover letter should comprise information concerning the title, author’s full name, author’s institutional affiliation at the time the research was conducted, corresponding author’s contact information (address and email) and complete funding source.

Title: Concise and Informative, written both in Portuguese and English. When the text is written in Spanish, the title must be written in all three languages (Spanish, Portuguese and English).

Report in footnotes 1) whether the paper is part of a research project and/or intervention, and 2) whether the paper has been presented in any congress, seminar, and symposium or similar venue.

Studies involving human or animal subjects must report which ethical procedures were followed in order to comply with the ICMJE recommendations for protection of research participants. 

Authors: Provide the full name(s) and e-mails of author(s). Report highest academic degree, position and affiliation of each author (institution, city, state and country). The journal accepts a maximum of five authors per article.

ORCID: Informe  ORCID number of all authors. In case of doubt, please, access:

Corresponding author: Indicate an author responsible for communication with the journal. Full name, institutional address (institution, street, postal code, state, country), e-mail and telephone for contact.

Funding Source: All authors must report all funding information received during the research. Information must include source agencies’ names and grant numbers for every author. If no funding was received a single clear sentence disclosing that no funds were received must be included instead.

Acknowledgements: contributors that do not meet the authorship criteria as defined by the ICMJE recommendations should be acknowledged in this section before the references list.

Authors Contributions: Each author’s effective contribution in regard to the submitted paper (i.e. text conception, organization of sources and/or analysis, redaction, review, etc.) should be stated in this section after the references list.

The author(s) must provide a statement that the contribution is original and unpublished and also that the paper is not currently being submitted to another periodical.


2) Text Structure
Abstract: Should reflect the fundamental aspects of the paper in at least 150 words and 250 at most. Preferably, the abstract should adopt the explicit structure of the paper, using subtitles (Introduction, Objectives, Method, Results/Discussion and Conclusions). Method, Results and Conclusion it should precede the text and be written in both Portuguese and English.
Keywords: From three to six, presented after the abstracts and also written in Portuguese and English. Keywords should be separated by commas. Consult DeCs (Health Sciences Descriptors - and/or Sociological Abstracts.
Tables:Should be cited within the text, denoted numerically (e.g. table 1, table 2, table 3) and present numbered legends corresponding to the citation. Tables should be presented in editable format (preferably Microsoft Word 2007 or newer version, to prepare and send tables in format .doc). Tables should be also properly identified and presented in gray scale. The tables must be inserted in the text, in editable format, and not at the end of the document or attachments.

Figures: Figures (diagrams, graphs, images and photographs) must be sent in high resolution (300 dpi), JPG or TIF, colored and black and white and they must be clearly legible. Every figure should be mentioned in the text by increasing numbering (for example: Figure 1, Figure 2, Figure 3) and they must have a numbered legend. The figures should be forwarded as supplementary, in separate files and with the respective key. Every diagram, graphic, pictures, image and/or photograph should be named as a figure.

The texts can have a maximum of five figures and/or tables.

Citations and References

References: The authors are responsible for the accuracy of references used in the paper. References must follow APA - Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6. edition.

At the end of the paper, the references must be presented in alphabetical order, as follows:


Cavalcanti, A., & Galvão, C. (2007). Terapia ocupacional: fundamentação & prática. Rio de Janeiro: Guanabara Koogan.

Book chapter

Castro, E. D., Lima, E. M. F. A., & Brunello, M. I. B. (2001). Atividades humanas e terapia ocupacional. In M. M. R. P. De Carlo & C. C. Bartalotti (Eds.), Terapia ocupacional no Brasil: fundamentos e perspectivas(pp. 41-59). São Paulo: Plexus.

Paper from a journal

Lopes, R. E. (2004). Terapia ocupacional em São Paulo: um percurso singular e geral. Cadernos de Terapia Ocupacional da UFSCar12(2), 75-88.

Paper from an online journal

Magalhães Sobrinho, P., Carvalho Junior, J. A., Luz Silveira, J., & Magalhães Filho, P. (2000). Analysis of aluminum plates under heating in electrical and natural gas furnaces. Energy25(10), 975-987. Recuperado em 29 de junho de 2001, de


Medeiros, M. H. R. (2004). A reforma da atenção ao doente mental em Campinas: um espaço para a terapia ocupacional(Tese de doutorado). Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas.

Online Thesis:

Fujita, M. S. L. (1985). PRECIS na língua portuguesa: uma experiência com a indexação de artigos de periódicos brasileiros(Dissertação de mestrado). Escola de Comunicações e Artes, Universidade de São Paulo, São Paulo. Recuperado em 20 de dezembro de 2001, de

Legal documents

Brasil. (1997). Medida provisória nº 1.569-9, de 11 de dezembro de 1997. Diário Oficial [da] República Federativa do Brasil, Brasília, seção 1, p. 29514.

São Paulo. (2001, 1 de dezembro). Decreto nº 46.324, de 30 de novembro de 2001. Declara de utilidade pública a entidade que específica. Diário Oficial do Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo, seção 1.

Legal online documents

Brasil. (2004, 3 de dezembro). Decreto nº 5.296 de 2 de dezembro de 2004. Regulamenta as Leis nos 10.048, de 8 de novembro de 2000, que dá prioridade de atendimento às pessoas que especifica, e 10.098, de 19 de dezembro de 2000, que estabelece normas gerais e critérios básicos para a promoção da acessibilidade das pessoas portadoras de deficiência ou com mobilidade reduzida, e dá outras providências. Diário Oficial [da] República Federativa do Brasil, Brasília, seção 1, p. 2. Recuperado em 3 de outubro de 2008, de


Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística – IBGE. (2008). Cidades@: São Carlos. Recuperado em 21 de junho de 2008, de

Abstracts in proceedings: 

Brayner, A. R. A., & Medeiros, C. B. (1994). Incorporação do tempo em SGBD orientado a objetos. In Anais do 9º Simpósio Brasileiro de Banco de Dados(pp. 16-29). São Paulo: USP.


Clinical Trials Registry

Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy supports policies for the registry of clinical trials as stated in our policies. Therefore, works addressing clinical research will only be considered for evaluation when submitted with the corresponding identification number presented at the end of the abstract.


There is no submissoin or publication charges for articles in English or Spanish language.



Original Article

A text that results from research of a theoretical and/or empirical nature addressing topics of interest in the field of Occupational Therapy (preferably structured into: Introduction, Objectives, Method, Results, Discussion and Conclusion, with at most 10 thousand words, including bibliographic references).

Review Article and/or Article for Literature Updating

It refers to a synthesis of published studies concerning a given period and set of sources, accompanied by a critical and/or descriptive analysis that allows deeper understanding of the topic under study (with at most 8 thousand words, including bibliographic references). The journal prioritizes articles of systematic review, since these studies increase the scientific character and the evidences on a certain topic. In cases of Systematic Review, the journal recommends the criteria adopted by PRISMA, available at:

Experience Report

Experience reports portray professional experiences concerning individuals, groups and/or communities, which results from interventions that contribute to reflection on the practice of Occupational Therapy. Experience reports can be presented as a description of actions concerning research, teaching, or services (with at most 5 thousands words, including bibliographic references).

Article of Reflection or Essay

A text expressing a point of view concerning controversial and/or relevant issues regarding theory or practice in Occupational Therapy with innovating reflections and analysis (with at most 5 thousand words, including bibliographic references). 

Privacy Statement

The names and addresses reported to this journal will be exclusively used for the services provided by this publication and will not be available for other purposes or third parties.