Exchanging knowledge within a community of practice: toward an epistemology of practice in Occupational Therapy paediatric hospital care/Compartilhando conhecimento em uma comunidade de prática: para uma epistemologia de prática da Terapia Ocupacional no cuidado hospitalar pediátrico


  • Sandra Maria Galheigo University of São Paulo
  • Claudia Pellegrini Braga University of São Paulo
  • Fernanda Stella Risseto Mieto University of São Paulo
  • Fernanda Viotti Parreira General University of Chile, Chile
  • Gabrielle Quintiliano Sarmento Private practice, Brazil
  • Margareth Motta Aeronautic Hospital of São Paulo, Brazil
  • Marianne Campopiano Abrahão Silva Portuguese Charity Hospital of São Paulo, Brazil
  • Mirella Ferreira Santos Mental Health Support Unit of Santa Marcelina Hospital, Brazil
  • Priscilla Feres Spinola Antonio Orlando Psychosocial Care Centre – Alchool & Drugs, Brazil
  • Raquel Beatriz Lima Serpa Perus Child Psychosocial Care Centre, Brazil
  • Rosa Maria de Araújo Mitre Institute Fernandes Figueira – FIOCRUZ, Brazil
  • Thais dos Reis Olher Lagôa Santa Marcelina Hospital, Brazil
  • Thelma Almir Oliveira São Camilo University Centre/Carapicuíba General Hospital, Brazil
  • Walkyria de Almeida Santos Pediatric Oncology Institute- GRAACC/UNIFESP, Brazil
  • Lilian Magalhães Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil
  • Elizabeth Anne Kinsella Western University, Canada




Occupational Therapy, Hospital Care, Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice, Needs Assessment, Child Hospitalized


Objective: This research proposed the creation of a community of practice (CoP) with the objective of: (i) analysing the feasibility of a CoP as a means of generating knowledge among occupational therapists and (ii) investigating the practice of occupational therapy with hospitalized children and adolescents. This article privileges the results of one of the predominantly discussed themes - the use of assessments and strategies of evaluation in Occupational Therapy in the hospital context. Method: A participatory action research study was undertaken with nine occupational therapists in face-to-face meetings combined with virtual tasks on an on-line platform. A hermeneutic and dialectical method was used to interpret the results. Results: The CoP produced practical knowledge about the use of assessments with hospitalized children and adolescents and demonstrated to be a strategy of knowledge development through dialogue and collaborative reflection on practice. Conclusion: Research on the implementation of communities of practice offers a promising approach to the production of knowledge in occupational therapy. The generated knowledge is representative of occupational therapists’ experiences and demonstrates an example of an epistemology of practice.

Author Biographies

Sandra Maria Galheigo, University of São Paulo

Department of Physiotherapy, Communication Science & Disorders, Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo, Brazil

Claudia Pellegrini Braga, University of São Paulo

Department of Physiotherapy, Communication Science & Disorders, Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo, Brazil

Fernanda Stella Risseto Mieto, University of São Paulo

Department of Physiotherapy, Communication Science & Disorders, Occupational Therapy, Faculty of Medicine, University of São Paulo, Brazil

Fernanda Viotti Parreira, General University of Chile, Chile

Occupational Therapy School, General University of Chile, Chile

Gabrielle Quintiliano Sarmento, Private practice, Brazil

Private practice, Brazil

Margareth Motta, Aeronautic Hospital of São Paulo, Brazil

Aeronautic Hospital of São Paulo, Brazil

Marianne Campopiano Abrahão Silva, Portuguese Charity Hospital of São Paulo, Brazil

Portuguese Charity Hospital of São Paulo, Brazil

Mirella Ferreira Santos, Mental Health Support Unit of Santa Marcelina Hospital, Brazil

Mental Health Support Unit of Santa Marcelina Hospital, Brazil

Priscilla Feres Spinola, Antonio Orlando Psychosocial Care Centre – Alchool & Drugs, Brazil

Antonio Orlando Psychosocial Care Centre – Alchool & Drugs, Brazil

Raquel Beatriz Lima Serpa, Perus Child Psychosocial Care Centre, Brazil

Perus Child Psychosocial Care Centre, Brazil

Rosa Maria de Araújo Mitre, Institute Fernandes Figueira – FIOCRUZ, Brazil

Institute Fernandes Figueira – FIOCRUZ, Brazil

Thais dos Reis Olher Lagôa, Santa Marcelina Hospital, Brazil

Santa Marcelina Hospital, Brazil

Thelma Almir Oliveira, São Camilo University Centre/Carapicuíba General Hospital, Brazil

São Camilo University Centre/Carapicuíba General Hospital, Brazil

Walkyria de Almeida Santos, Pediatric Oncology Institute- GRAACC/UNIFESP, Brazil

Pediatric Oncology Institute- GRAACC/UNIFESP, Brazil

Lilian Magalhães, Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil

Occupational Therapy Department, Federal University of São Carlos, Brazil

Elizabeth Anne Kinsella, Western University, Canada

Western University, Canada




How to Cite

Galheigo, S. M., Braga, C. P., Mieto, F. S. R., Parreira, F. V., Sarmento, G. Q., Motta, M., Silva, M. C. A., Santos, M. F., Spinola, P. F., Serpa, R. B. L., Mitre, R. M. de A., Lagôa, T. dos R. O., Oliveira, T. A., Santos, W. de A., Magalhães, L., & Kinsella, E. A. (2017). Exchanging knowledge within a community of practice: toward an epistemology of practice in Occupational Therapy paediatric hospital care/Compartilhando conhecimento em uma comunidade de prática: para uma epistemologia de prática da Terapia Ocupacional no cuidado hospitalar pediátrico. Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 25(3), 449–459. https://doi.org/10.4322/2526-8910.ctoAO1119



Original Article