The power of collective spaces as a strategy against the violation of rights




Occupational Therapy, Youth, Social Conditions, Politics, Citizenship


This paper articulates the theoretical-methodological contributions of social occupational therapy and the experience of “Timbó em Movimento'' and “ResisTO” projects, which are part of the Rede Metuia nucleus belonging to the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB), Brazil. It recognizes the importance of territorial practices and the social occupational therapy field for the strengthening and support of populations with diverse conditions of vulnerability. Articulation of what was observed in the Timbó em Movimento and ResisTO projects with concepts such as the intersectionality of social markers of difference, their implications for the right to the city and their effects in the daily life of youths. The article elaborates the implications of social markers in the daily life of the participants, as well as the potential of collective reference spaces and intersectoral articulation to confront violence. It is concluded that the spaces of belonging have great relevance for addressing conflicts in the social field, promoting the participation of people and the exercise of citizenship, rejecting the tendency to seek individual solutions to collective problems. Remains the challenge of taking these dialogues to the daily contexts in which violence takes place, incorporating actors that may also be involved in its reproduction.



How to Cite

Baigorria, C. A., Díaz, M. V., Grondona, L., Silvester, M. A., Vazquez, E. A., Pereira, B. P., Braga, I. F., & Monzeli, G. A. (2023). The power of collective spaces as a strategy against the violation of rights. Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy, 31(spe), e3395.



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