Publication ethics and malpractice statement

The jornal follows ethical procedures throughout its publishing process, from submission to the review of papers, and deviation from acceptable academic conduct is not tolerated, whether on the part of the Editorial Board or Authors. As from later 2016 the journal adopted the CrossCheck system to actively look for plagiarized or uncited content in submitted articles.

All the Authors, Editors, and Referees are encouraged to learn and follow the guidelines provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) ( in all the stages of the publishing process.

Studies involving experiments with humans or animals must be approved by an Institutional Research Ethics Committee.

Clinical trials must register in the Brazilian Registry of Clinical Trials - REBEC ( or other with the same goal.

The journal adopts the system IThenticate to see evidence of plagiarism in the submitted texts.

Suspicions of misconduct of any kind and at any level or stage should be reported by e-mail directly to the Editor-in-Chief.

All cases involving suspected misconduct will rigorously be investigated by the periodical to clarify any doubts. In this sense, there is a commitment to the publication of corrections, clarifications, retractions, as well as notes of concern, if needed.

When submitting papers for review, Authors should:

  • Observe criteria used to assign authorship for only the researchers involved in the study, not naming as coauthors those who did not actually participate in the study;
    • Cite and correctly reference all data and interpretations of data from other publications;
    • Report any conflict of interest for all authors;
    • Report all financial sources;
    • Submit to review only unpublished papers that are not simultaneously submitted to other periodicals, ensuring the reliability and authenticity of data;
    • Report retractions or corrections of errors whenever necessary;

When receiving an invitation to review any paper, Referees should be committed to:

  • Refuse the invitation if there is any conflict of interest;
    • Provide a rigorous review;
    • Accept invitations only when capable of completing the review by the deadline;
    • Report any potentially relevant references already published but not cited in the text;
    • Keep strict confidentiality in regard to papers reviewed, not discussing them with colleagues nor using information for the reviewer’s own benefit until the paper’s publication.

Editors should always:

  • Ensure that the peer review process is based on academic neutrality and impartiality;
    • Ensure the confidentiality of Referees;
    • Assess and investigate all cases in which there is suspicion of misconduct or unethical behavior;
    • Prevent financial interests from compromising ethical standards of publication;
    • Ensure to the best of their ability that there is no plagiarism, fraudulent data or results.

Studies involving humans or animals

Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy supports and follows the ICMJE recommendations for protection of research participants. It is therefore essential that all authors that wish to submit work involving research with humans or animals read these recommendations at:

Clinical Trials

Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy supports policies for the clinical trials registry from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE), acknowledging the importance of these initiatives for the international recording and dissemination of information regarding clinical studies, with open access. Therefore, when addressing clinical research, only papers presenting an identification number in one of the Clinical Trials Registries validated by criteria established by WHO and ICMJE (addresses are available at ICMJE’s site - ( will be accepted for publication. The identification number must be presented at the end of the abstract.