Cultivating social occupations, spaces, and networks: service providers’ perspectives on enabling immigrants’ social participation/ Cultivando ocupações sociais, espaços e redes: as perspectivas dos prestadores de serviços sobre como possibilitar a participação social dos imigrantes


Palabras clave:

Community Participation, Immigration, Social Participation


Introduction: Immigrants may experience many barriers to social participation within host societies. Immigrants’ integration into Canadian society is supported through government-funded services. Objective: In the present study, we explored the perspectives of service providers working in community organizations regarding their role in enabling immigrants’ social participation through occupations in British Columbia, Canada. Method: Representatives from twenty different organizations providing services to the community participated in a constructivist qualitative study aiming to uncover aspects shaping opportunities for occupational participation provided for immigrants. Results: Drawing on semistructured interviews and using thematic analysis, we identified three main themes relating to cultivating social occupations, spaces, and networks. Findings illustrate that service providers’ cultivation of these opportunities can support immigrants’ desired social roles and social identities, further enabling their participation in receiving societies. Conclusion: Emphasis upon supporting socio-economic integration into society appears to limit a client-centred approach to developing opportunities for social participation through occupation. Implications for occupational therapists and scientists are discussed.

Biografía del autor/a

Suzanne Huot, University of British Columbia

Department of Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

Assistant Professor




Cómo citar

Huot, S., Brower, J., Tham, A., & Yekta, A. R. (2021). Cultivating social occupations, spaces, and networks: service providers’ perspectives on enabling immigrants’ social participation/ Cultivando ocupações sociais, espaços e redes: as perspectivas dos prestadores de serviços sobre como possibilitar a participação social dos imigrantes. Cuadernos Brasilenos De Terapia Ocupacional, 29, e2184. Recuperado a partir de



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