About the Journal

The journal Cadernos Brasileiros de Terapia Ocupacional/Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy (ISSN 2526-8910) is the continuation of the Cadernos de Terapia Ocupacional da UFSCar (Printed ISSN 0104-4931, Electronic ISSN 2238-2860), wich started in 1990. Since the issue 25, 2, 2017, it is called Brazilian Journal of Occupational Therapy. It is intended for the dissemination of unpublished work from original scientific research in the field of Occupational Therapy, in dialogue with the areas of Health, Education, Culture and Social Service, as well as Occupational Science. It emphasizes studies on physical, sensory, mental, psychological and / or social problems related to daily life and human doing, articulated to participation, autonomy and the insertion of subjects (individual and collective) in social life.

The journal accepts papers written in English, Spanish or Portuguese and its target public includes researchers, professors, students and practitioners from the field of Occupational Therapy and other related fields, both in Brazil and internationally.

Current Issue

Vol. 33 (2025)
					View Vol. 33 (2025)
Published: 2025-01-21

Original Article

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